Notes from Brian Merrill's Visit 1-25-2016
5 Choirs/Family Concept w/chorale
Tuba, Baritone, Horn
Trumpet, Trombone
Clarinet Family
Double Reeds, Flute, Piccolo
Allows for more depth of listening-tuning-matching-color awareness
connect ending chord of one group to starting of another
melody lines must push and lead through beat 2 on quarters and dotted quarters
when tuning chords
establish root
balance 5th in
fit in 3rd
add color notes (9th and such)
when balancing we really want a cylinder instead of triangle
@111 Gabrieli Moment
balance up to first trumpet-smooth and not overblown
Sousa notes
44-49 all upbeats need to try to play in one breath
74-ww's protect the trombone solo-play underneath
147-create layers
ww-most important
Opus 99
get more middles and lows into the balance of all chords-especially at top
16-17-keep second note in slur/staccato sequence longer-more body of sound
55-make sure we hear the moving notes in the chordal progression
@ 6-get more line and keep the motion of line moving forward
60-61 more bass trombone
68-longer on 8th after dotted quarter
@8 -refine tech
107-same bass trombone figure-bring out
116-longer 8th at end of note
last 3 chords-longer and less bouncy-get more body of sound