Spirit of Waxahachie Indian Band

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© Spirit of Waxahachie Indian Band



Marching Fundamental Videos

Fundamental Vids

Balance Chasse from Front
High Mark Time Chasse from Side
Puddle Jump 8-Down-8-Releve-8-Chasse-Front
Puddle Jump from Side 8-Down-8-Releve-8-Chasse-Side
Skip with Arms Snowcone
Run Backward Zigzag
Run Forward in Time Zigzag B
Run Backward in Time Circle Drill 
Forward/Backward/Forward in Time Dance 1 | Dance 2
Guard Videos
Prayer Toss Money Toss
Infinity Carves Flashes No-Toss
Carves 8's & 8's
Parade Side Flag Only 8's & 8's Around the World
Parade Front Flag Only  
Parade Flag and Rifle  
Leadership 24-25 Info   

24-25  Leadership Team

Important Forms and Info
Physical Form English | Spanish  
Part Assignments 2024 Workout Guidelines
Song Lists 2024 Fitness Progress Log
How to Read Coordinates